Topo By Tristan Cleveland
A classic bouldering area accessible by bus, or within a 20 minute drive from Halifax. If you are climbing with beginners, hit the Full Topos button.
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Problems 14

3 3 star 0 0 %

V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V13

Grades V0 - V8

Seaside temps and low grades make this a decent summer bouldering destination. Generally less shade than other coastal spots. Often foggy in July.

Drive 21 min
Approach 20 m, 0 mins


Located directly below the parking lot, on the left.
1. Pumped Hammies from Outerspace V6 star

Hop onto the ledge just before the corner, then shimmy right via the crack. Stay in the low crack, swing around the boulder's edge, merge with Digniflail, and finish with flair! Top lip is out. For a V2 twist, opt variation called UFO Traverse: Start on the corner jug, traverse right 8 feet and ascend Tractor Beam. Enjoy the climb!
2. Tractor Beam SDS V2 star

Start with both hands on the obvious ledge under the roof with your legs pointing left (a toe hook helps). Exit the roof left and do vun mantle top. A problem that tests your flexibility and body tension in a unique roof traverse! 🤸
3. Digniflail SDS V3 star

Start on the same ledge as in Tractor Beam, but with your legs pointing right. Top out at the right side of the apex. The top-out is the crux because there is nothing to grab onto. Gotta’ mantle. A problem that offers a challenging mantle and will push your limits! 💥
A. Nancy No Name SDS V1 star

Start at the small ledge and direct your feet left to start. Top out straight up. Enjoy the comfortable kneebar. A problem that offers a fun top-out and a satisfying kneebar to enjoy during your climb! 🛌
B. Warm-up Traverse V1 star

Traverse right-to-left without using the top arete. Top out far left. Unfortunately, it’s not always 100% clear what is eliminated: use your judgement. A problem that encourages creativity and adaptability while navigating the traverse! 🎨

Widowmaker Wall

Avoid peek high tide. Located directly below the parking lot.
4. Slappy Slappy SDS V1 star

Start on the big ledge and slap your way up the pillar. Only use the pillar itself for feet. A problem that tests your ability to make the most of a limited climbing surface! 🗼
5. Crime of Convenience SDS V0 star

Start on the good jug and throw a heel on the shelf to the left. Climb up the jugs. A problem that offers a satisfying series of jugs to conquer!
6. Inch of Grace SDS V2 star

Start with a left hand in the two-finger pocket and the right hand on the triangle-shaped hole. It’s just two or three V2 moves and then it’s an easy top-out. A problem that packs a punch with a few challenging moves before easing up! 🥊
7. Tropical Vacation V0 star

Start on the big ledge anywhere to the right of a tiny vertical crack. Follow the big diagonal cracks up leftwards and top out at your first convenience. A problem that offers an engaging journey along diagonal cracks! ⛰️
8. The Widowmaker V4 star

Start anywhere on the ledge and climb the prominent crack. The crux is to get from the ledge into the crack - kneebars and toe jams make this a breeze! Despite the name, it is not particularly dangerous. Three or more crash pads are recommended, but the top is very secure. A problem that provides a mental challenge in overcoming the crux and a secure finish! 🌟
9. Orange Wave V8 star

Hop onto the massive ledge and let your mega-foot balance those tiny, zesty hand grips! (FA Sean Rasmussen 2022)

Vermin Wall

Avoid high tide. Located at the point, visible from the parking lot.
10. Vermin for headware SDS V3 star

Sit on the block and climb the arete, using the side-pull crimp on the right face. The feature low on the flat wall (angled a different direction) is out. A problem that combines a unique start with thoughtful use of available holds! 🧠
11. Squirmin’ like a Vermin SDS V3 star

Climb the large holds along the vertical crack. Unfortunately, there is usually a puddle that partially covers where you will want to sit. If you throw a few rocks in, you can put your pad there and mostly keep it dry. A problem that offers a memorable experience climbing the vertical crack! 💧
12. The Verminator SDS V2 star

Contort your way up the obvious right-leaning crack. The puddle is harder to avoid here. A great beginner friendly introduction to jamming techniques! 🤸‍♀️