A concentrated climbing area on a series of outcrops with flat grassy landings and and ocean view. Great late fall/early spring location. Very protected area from northern winds with great southern exposure.
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Problems 18

5 2 star 0 11 %

V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V13

Grades V0 - V7

Great late fall/early spring location. Very protected area from northern winds with great southern exposure.

Drive 55 min
Approach 600 m, 12 mins

. V star

. V star

. V star


Le Contortioniste Wall

Located 30m northwest just above the main warm-up area.
4. The Banana Holder V0 star

A warm-up for Le Contortioniste—exit early to avoid the challenging part. 🤸
5. Le Contortioniste V7 star

Begin at the far right, traverse left to the corner, and climb the crack. Weird but doable. 🌀

Aeroplan Boulder

A large boulder located 30m directly west of the main Warm-up outcrop
6. Straddle Struggle SDS V3 star

Left hand on low sidepull, right hand on smooth sloper—compress up the arête for a fun time! 😄
7. George Foreman Grill SDS V5 star

Initiate on a low crimp and scale unique features. Expect a cruxy challenge. 🔝
8. Minigo V3-V7 star

Tough start matched on seam, one move to the top. Difficulty depends on finger size—smaller is better. Always a tricky climb. 💩
0. Country Sausage V5 star

Kick off on the low jug and traverse the entire lip. Persevere! 💪       
9. Aeroplan V3 star

Balance and crimp up the tallest part of the scooped face, culminating in a committing top out. A fantastic climb—not for the faint of heart! ❤️
10. Poultry V0 star

Follow the crack upwards and to the left. ⬆️↖️       

Main Warm-up Wall

The main warm-up area.
11. Warm-up Crack SDS V0 star

Begin low and traverse the top crack up and to the right. Keep going! ➡️⬆️
12. Lower Crack V0 star

Make your way across the lower crack. Stay focused!        
12. Bomerang SDS V0 star

Start on the crimp rail and merge into the crack system. Keep it up! 🤘
13. Lie Back Crack V0 star

Scale the crack like a pro. You've got this! 👊                       
14. Pinch a Loaf V2 star

Hug the protruding column and search for those sweet spots for hand holds. A bit tricky, but you'll manage! 🤗
15. Jam Crack V3 star

Jam your hands in the crack and endure the climb to the top—eliminate style! Embrace the suffering. 😈
16. Big Tuna V7 star

Initiate in the massive horizontal crack on the arête's right side. Work to standing, grab the high sloper/pinches, and transition to the face. Brace yourself for a mysteriously blank mantle topout. 😲
17. Baby Crack V0 star

Mind the stepped landing—proceed with caution! 🚧       
18. Shitbag Shorty V1 star

Ascend straight up the pillar to the right of Big Tuna. Start with the pillar only—no blocks allowed. Stay focused! 🎯

Split Crow Gully

Found in the gully 50 meters past the warm-up area continuing past warmup on the main trail.
19. Split Crow SDS V7 star

Initiate under the mini roof with both hands on the horizontal break, then navigate the challenging scrunchy transition to the arête. 💪