Massive boulder deep in the LOC. Fastest approach is via Corn and Bung.
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Problems 5

1 0 star 1 0 %

V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V13

Grades V2 - V7

A boulder deep in the LOC on a high plateau exposed on all sides. Spring and Fall are the best. Acceptable in the summer, but slopey nature of the problems with high topouts makes greasy hands less fun. Too exposed for winter.

Drive min
Approach 800 m, 15 mins

1. Chewbaca's Defense V? star

A vital arête hold broke in August 2011. V4 pre-break. Memories of a fallen hold. 💔
2. Mr. Freeze SDS V2 star

Sit start the right side of the horizontal ledge, grasp the arête's tip, and roll onto the slab. Thrills await! 🎢
3. Mega Man V6 star

Master the big rail and tackle the crux top-out on the slab. A truly stellar line! 🌟
4. Intuition V7 star

Start at the lip and trust your instincts to conquer the seemingly impossible lack of footholds. Believe in yourself!
5. No Easy Way V2 star

The pioneer problem on this boulder. Enjoy a delightful half-mantle and then use it for the descent. History in motion! 🕰️