Beautiful boulders in a pleasant park setting in the heart of Spryfield.
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Problems 8

2 2 star 0 13 %

V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V13

Grades V0 - V6

Rockingstone is right on the main trail of a busy urban park, so is best enjoyed in the quiet seasons. The Box Car boulder is much more private.

Drive 20 min
Approach 400 m, 8 mins

Rockingstone Boulder

Nova Scotia's most famous boulder. Pleasant flat landings, but can be a bit swampy.
1. Spry 'til you die V0 star

Warm up on this low-angle slab! 😌                       
2. Prime Mover V6 star

Left hand on the lowest undercling, right on a bad slopey crimp. Power through the burly undercling sequence, then finish up the dirty slab!
3. Scatology V3 star

Crux slab mantle with a highstep at nipple level, followed by a celebratory slab victory lap. Just remember, arête is out! 🥳
4. Rest Day SDS V6 star

Start under the mini roof with right hand on the arête and left on a small crimp. Master the tricky transition to standing, then finish up the arête! 👣 (FA Ben Smith 2006)
5. Vulgarian SDS V5 star

Imagine a hybrid of Creepy Crawler and Can't Trust Skinny People. Start low on crimps, pull off desperate moves across slopers and crimps, and conquer the mantle finish! 🧟

Box Car Boulder

A few great problems on this lakeside boulder.
6. Rocket Dyno V3 star

Match on the huge feature, then choose your adventure: a dyno or a world cup style mantle. Either way, it's a blast! 🎆
7. Back Scratcher V6 star

Start matched on the arête, and navigate the tricky footwork as you ascend! 👣
8. Smizzle's Slab SDS V4 star

Sit start on a horizontal feature, then go straight up the slab. Nature has reclaimed this route, so bring a brush! 🌿