A limited area with some fun problems nestled into the hillside at the camping area
A responsive placeholder image

Problems 3

0 1 star 0 0 %

V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V13

Grades V4 - V5

Drive 47 min
Approach 60 m, 1 mins

Welcome to Dover

The very first boulder upon arriving to the Island.
1. Moby Dick V4 star

Climb up good seam until holds run out and then work your way up terrifyingly blank slab using right arête. Stay strong and conquer the void! 🌌
2. Welcome to Dover V5 star

Climb the overhanging face using crack and well featured face holds. Overcome gravity and find your grip! 🌠

Campsite Slab

A geometric slab right on the campsite beach.
3. Campsite Slab V5 star

Climb the low angle slab. Keep it simple and steady! 🛤️