Crawl up between the two giant boulders to find this impressive line.
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Grades V6 - V11

Only possible with primo temps, but completely exposed. Very difficult to project with a narrow season.

Drive 33 min
Approach 1100 m, 21 mins


A truly unique pair of giant boulders.
1. Splinter SDS V11*unconfirmed star

Start on crimps and climb up the overhanging scoop with a series of powerful moves. Don't fall in the hole. Keep your balance! ⛳ (FA Ben Smith 2013)
The Big Event
Giant overhanging wall located 50m north of Splinter.
1. The Big Event V6 star

Start standing at the bottom of the crack. Climb the tall, stunning feature to a satisfying finish. Reach the summit! 🌁