A unique boulder deep in the LOC perched on a lakeside outcrop. Difficult approach.
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Problems 5

4 0 star 0 0 %

V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V13

Grades V3 - V6

Totally exposed boulder deep in the LOC on a lakeside. Shoulder seasons climbing.

Drive min
Approach 1000 m, 19 mins

1. Cerberus SDS V6 star

Start seated with your left hand on a flat block undercling and your right hand on a sloper. Ascend using the arête and big holds. A stellar climb! ⭐
2. Scylla V4 star

Initiate suspended in midair, hanging from a jug. Execute a double campus move to get your foot on, then traverse up the arête. A truly unique experience! 🦅
3. Kharybdis SDS V3 star

Begin seated with side pulls, make a big move to the arête, and finish as for Scylla. Reach for the sky! 🌥️
4. Charon's Obol SDS V5 star

Start on a low jug and power through moves up the large holds. A fantastic climb! 💪
5. Ben's Project V? star

Initiate low with a bad landing and link into Charon's Obol. Hold on tight! 🪢