Only 5 problems here, but of exceptional quality. Well worth the hike.
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Problems 5

2 3 star 0 0 %

V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V13

Grades V4 - V8

The 3 problems on the rear boulder are extremely sheltered and shaded. Great late fall / early spring climbing.

Drive 33 min
Approach 2300 m, 43 mins

Alien Workshop Boulder

A Giant boulder with 2 short problems located on the backside.
1. Alien Workshop SDS V7 star

Start in the small cave with a horizontal break. Climb out of the cave and finish up the right arête (FA Ben Blakney 2002)(crux) and not the slab. Conquer the break! ⛏️
2. Vice Grip SDS V7 star

Begin matched on the obvious crimp, awkwardly straddling the small boulder. Paste your feet, pull really hard, and fire to rail/slopers. Unleash your power! 💥 (FA G. Loser 2001)

Rear Boulder

Giant boulder located at the back of the cluster
3. Buckle Up V8 star

Start on the big rail and climb the overhanging face. Excellent movement on unique features, with a committing crux move to the top! Embrace the challenge! 🌟 (FA Chris Eager 2002)
4. Shotgun Willie SDS V6 star

Ascend the tall arête until you gain the massive jug below the lip. The top-out is pleasant and secure. Reach for the jug! 🍺
5. Trouble at the Henhouse V4 star

A highball slab that looks excellent if that's your thing. The holds aren't obvious. Zig's book says, "start on the right and traverse a bit left for the finish." A rope and a brush are required equipment until it gets some traffic. Venture into the unknown! 🔍