A very short approach to a boulder on a lakeside. Low-ball low-grade desperates are the game here.
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Problems 9

3 0 star 0 0 %

V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V13

Grades V0 - V6

Best in shoulder seasons, but lake side with decent wind exposure and low graded problems make this an OK summer spot.

Drive 55 min
Approach 100 m, 2 mins

1. Body Drop SDS V2 star

Crux start matched on the very low incut, then climb up big holds on the arête. A problem with a challenging beginning that transitions to more forgiving holds.
2. Lake Warm-up SDS V0 star

Start on big holds and climb to the top on beautiful jugs through endless variations. A problem that is accessible and enjoyable for climbers of all levels. 😊
3. The Bilge SDS V3 star

Combine the beginnings of Tug Boat and Lake warmup for an exciting link-up! ⛓️
4. Tug Boat SDS V2 star

Start matched on the crimpy ledge, and climb the slab trending left to the finish of Lake Warm-up. A bit contrived since you could exit at any point, but it offers an additional challenge for those who want to complete the full problem. 🎯
5. Flagship SDS V4 star

Match the pocket and crank to the sweet crimp on your right. Shoot up to the top with left and right top-out options. Rock the right rockover press! 🎸
6. Nice Pic Eh SDS V4 star

Kick off matched on big featured holds. Power through finger pockets and make a grand move to the lip. 💪
7. The Daily Grind SDS V4 star

Launch with both hands on the undercling hold. Enjoy the satisfying journey up a series of crimps. 😌
8. Du Bon Poulet SDS V6 star

Start matched at the rail's base. Tough moves to get going, then a big throw to a sloper. Hang in there! 🦾

Cat Power Boulder

Continue on the lake boulder trail for 35 meters and then turn right at the short trail up the hill to find this small hidden boulder.
9. Cat Power SDS V5 star

Begin matched on the superb undercling. Power to the sloper or use the face crimp as a stepping stone. 🌟