Dramatic Exit V8 - First Ascent

Dramatic Exit V8 - First Ascent

May 7 2023


We've got a hoot of a new first ascent at Owl's House! This one-of-a-kind climb will make you go talons-over-beak with excitement. Get ready to rock and roll on some gnarly granite, full of voluminous fun!

This adventure kicks off with a ramp-tastic start, mantling into a roof sequence that'll leave you owl-struck. And it doesn't stop there; brace yourself for a challenging topout, soaring over a bulging feature. It's like Man of Action V10 and Phase 8 V10 hatched a little climbing chickadee!

Our Patrick Spaceman labored like a steadfast steed, donkeying up and down to crack the beta code. But this time, it was the young bull Seb who played it cool, channeling his inner comp strat learned from the dark lord himself: John Bowles. As Patrick Spaceman's wings grew weary, Seb swooped in and snatched the first ascent, proving that sometimes, patience is a virtue even for the most feathered of climbers!

So flock over to Owl's House and take a crack at this feathery feat. You'll be sure to have a hoot of a time!

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