Jun 12, 2020
Summer circuiting season is here! Circuiting is a very pleasant way to get volume in the warm summer months and helps improves the accuracy of this guidebook. Today I climbed the Lake Boulder in LOC. Lake boulder is picturesque with a short approach and excellent beginner and intermediate bouldering. A few harder desperates thrown in the mix add a little spice. New photos, 10 new videos (every line), and lots of corrections to the vague descriptions of obscure OG sandbags. The place has received the overhaul it deserves. Highlights on this boulder include Ghislain's 1999 climb Du Bon Poulet V6 - almost never repeated on the account of the being in the running for Nova Scotia's most sandbagged boulder problem. 1999 Ghislain way underestimated his strength!
A brand new climb The Bilge V3 SDS by Tristan Cleveland (FA 2020), is a great linkup worth doing.
The Daily Grind V4 is excellent climbing on great holds with a beautiful photo op.
Flagship V4 was a desperate little line - basically a lay down start at my height. It finishes strong with 2 dyno variations and a fun rock-over mantle topout.